Thursday, 7 March 2013

Take pleasure in this life

I've been thinking about a few things lately and I thought, why not blog about it?  
Swear, I will not get too philosophical on you, or self-important. :)

It might help if I give you a little background context though.  Last spring I graduated from university, and it was a moment that I had anticipated for like... ever!  Degrees are stressful things and they take over your life.  Don't laugh {or laugh, I don't mind}, but I couldn't wait to have time that was all mine, for mostly silly things, but for some noble things as well.

 I painted my nails with abandon, went on a million-gazillion evening walks, practiced yoga at home, guiltlessly sat down to watch three tv shows in a row on any given evening, read books for fun {and magazines too!}, and spent loads of time with those that I love.


Life has settled a lot since then and I've no doubt lost some of my enthusiasm for living well.  Or maybe it's just that regular living has lost a bit of its novelty.  Either way, it's been on my mind to take pleasure in this life.  With these thoughts in mind, I stumbled across such a relevant post by Age Old Tree, which included this stunning quote,

"Beauty was not simply something to behold; it was something one could do."
Toni Morrison

Woosh. What a notion.
So guess what dear readers?  Here marks the beginning of a new little series of posts that will pop up over the next few weeks.  Christina and I will take turns, letting you into those ways we're doing beauty.  But we'd really love to hear from you all as well. :) 

   P.S. Cannot wait to do beauty like this when summer comes.

{all images found via my fave tumblr right now}

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