Thursday, 28 March 2013

For my lovely Christina on her almost 30th birthday

Good golly, the cuteness of you!  Even now, those beautiful cheeks reveal your youth and your spirit, and I'm left forever grumbling when people think that I'm the elder sister. :)

But deep down, I don't mind. Because I think that you're radiant too.

Last summer, when we were having the best summer of our lives {which was preceeded by a fairly miserable winter and spring} I had written down some thoughts concerning you.

"I'm happy, so happy and content. The most I've been in a long time.
And sometimes it astonishes me; when I think back on winter's wearying months and instantly I can recall the heaviness in my soul that at one time overwhelmed. 
Now, in the same thought I can see and feel the restoration and healing that has occurred and I am surprised by the peace that floods my soul.
Despite my distance from God this last while, I know he has been near.

It is through Christina's care and affection that I have felt, almost constantly, the beams of God's love. When I have hesitated or floundered, she has provided hope and reassurance, merriment and distraction, ice cream and films, sushi and sauvignon blanc.
And together we push forward, though mostly if feels like a creep, into a new time and place, into new experiences, all the while knowing ourselves deeper and with greater certainty, and perhaps with greater love."

You've been like a mamma to me, loving me up and down and all around.
And I don't know how I got so lucky.

 All that to say, I love you. With the kind of love that fills up oceans and galaxies and universes and infinities.
You will always be my wild-grinned girl.

Happy 29th Birthday Christina!
Love, your Rachel

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

That time of year

"I want to do with you what spring does with the cherry trees."

Pablo Neruda

My absolute favorite time of year is when the cherry trees bloom in all their glory.
When you stroll along the sidewalks, and pink petals fall upon you like a blessing.
It's a reminder of a new start, 
fresh and oh so beautiful.

Happy hump day lovelies!

{Quote found here, Images 1, 2, 3, 4}

Monday, 25 March 2013

"They told me that to make her fall in love, I had to make her laugh. But
everytime she laughs, I'm the one who falls in love."

Tomasso Ferraris

{Quote found here, image here}

Friday, 22 March 2013

Afternoon delight

Hello my lovelies, I hope you are ready for the weekend!
I certainly am :)

Rachel has been so kind as to kick-start our our newest series, Take pleasure in this life, with this post. Now it's my turn to give you a sneak peak into what I do, to make life beautiful.

I work a 9-5 job, Monday-Friday just like many of you. 
Although I'm incredibly grateful for an opportunity to pay the bills, 
working in an office leaves me somewhat restless throughout the week. 
The antidote?

Picnic lunches.

There is something delightfully whimsical, about escaping the office for lunch-hour adventure. 
When you can find yourself the perfect little place to curl up with a good book, nibble on some
tasty treats, and catch some sun-rays, it is divine.

My favorite places to picnic are local parks and when I'm feeling especially adventurous, 
a beach that overlooks the airport, where I can watch planes come and go.

{One of the few perks to working near an airport}

It's a wonderful way to refresh and recharge during the work day,
and it leaves me feeling motivated and invigorated for the remainder of the afternoon.

So would you picnic on your lunch-hour?


Do you have another secret trick that gets you through your day?
I'd love to hear.

Happy Friday!!!



Thursday, 21 March 2013

"It’s all different I suppose. I find myself wanting the sprint, craving it. Why? Because I am young and I let foolish romantic ideas fester. Sometimes, during a long hot day you let yourself feel a little crappy, as to why you aren’t finding someone who sends you love notes on flowers. Or even a rolled up receipt with a scribbled confession of affection. 
But some people don’t get the sprint. The 500 meter dash. Or even the run downhill, caught up by the force of gravity. We get the cross-country meet in the pouring rain. The marathon on the hot asphalt. We get the obstacle course of forest through the woods. We get the incline, in the cold winter morning, our breath sucked from our lungs. It’s all different." 
Kat Keegan {Excerpt from How love is like a run.}

PS. This woman's writing is one of my favourites. Follow this link for more goodness.

{Image via}

Wednesday, 20 March 2013


My darlings, it's finally SPRING!

Hip, hip, horray!

I don't know about you, but the last few weeks I feel as though I've been holding my breath in anticipation.
Longer more glorious days filled with sunlight, evening walks, and outdoor festivities await us.
My oh my, I'm so pleased to usher in a new season.

Today commences the Spring Equinox, meaning for this brief moment in time, across the globe,
there is equal parts day and night.
How amazing is that?

To celebrate, Rachel and I will be joining our friends this evening for a candle-lit picnic,
and maybe even a bonfire.

{Fingers crossed it doesn't rain!}

So my lovelies, will you be doing anything special to mark the beginning of Spring?

Here's to many lingering evenings with friends by the fireside.

Happy hump day loves!

P.S. How amazing was New Girl, and The Mindy Project last night?!



Monday, 18 March 2013

So satisfied.

You know when you finish a great book, and you just feel immensly satisfied.  I love that feeling.

I recently read One Day by David Nicholls, a book I picked up randomly at a second-hand bookshop on a rainy day, and from the very first page I was hooked. I won't give too much away, but the story spans twenty years in the lives of two friends, Emma and Dexter, each chapter occuring on the same day, July 15th.
The story is neither crazy romantic or ridiculously lovey, and that's probably why I enjoyed it so much. Rather, much of the novel focuses on the tensions of identity, not only in relationships but in the unraveling of life beyond university. I was comforted. And I laughed a lot. So funny, endearing and relatable!
The book was turned into a film a couple years ago now, but I have no idea if it's any good. I might just cross my fingers and give it a go soon. :)
I purposefully picked up this book when I saw it, because I knew it would draw me in and because I've found that since I got an Iphone {which is truly a constant source of distraction} I haven't been reading much at all. Very lame. And I missed reading! So, I've taken to packing a book with me again at all times, and my days seem brighter because of it. 
PS. That kiss at the top? Woah. Gives me goose-bumps.
{Images 1, 2, 3 and 4}

"The way to love someone is to lightly run your finger over that person's soul
until you find a crack, and then gently pour your love into that crack."

Keith Miller

{Quote found here, image here}

Friday, 15 March 2013

Just a cowgirl's dream

Everyone has a fantasy occupation,
one that they wistfully dream of when working the 9-5 grind.
Mine has always been, and probably will always be,
to be a cowgirl.

As a little girl growing up, I always thought it would be the most loveliest thing to own a ranch.
I pictured having cattle and sheep, and wrangling and trail-riding to my heart's content.
My nights would be spent out under the stars, with only a campfire's glow to keep me company.


Definitely my idea of bliss.

Watching shows like McLeod's Daughters only encouraged my notions.
{If you have no idea what I'm referring to then be forewarned you will become addicted}

It's an Australian drama that follows the trials and triumphs of sisters Tess and Claire,
as they try to make a go of  it with the family farm they've inherited.
Que, Aussie accents, HOT cowboys, adventures of all sorts, and female gumption.

Don't you think Rachel and I would make a cute Tess and Claire?

Since I won't be inheriting a Ranch anytime soon, I thought I'd see what options are out there and available to dreamers like me.

Enter, Echo Valley Ranch and Spa.
It's a tad more luxe than I had imagined, but who's complaining?

They even have a Girls Getaway Package!

Maybe I can be a cowgirl after-all!

Join me?

Happy Friday Lovlies!!!

Hope you have a relaxing and low-key weekend.


{All images of Echo Valley Ranch and Spa found here}

Thursday, 14 March 2013

The reluctant convert

Let's talk TV.
Specifically all of the fantastic shows out now...
Usually I'm behind the curve when it comes to catching on to what is trending.
Sure I know everyone is talking about such and such series, and how it's so great.
Maybe it's my stubborn streak, or just plain old ignorance,
 but I generally like to avoid the shows that
seem of the moment.

{To be honest, I never watched a single episode of Sex and the City until the series finale aired.
Tragic, I know}

I think I've seen the light...

*Ok, that was a little dramatic*

As I write this post,
I'm watching Homeland.
I'm newly converted, and I mean it when I say
it's sooooooo good!

Have you seen it?
Of course you have. It's like an Emmy Award winning show.

*About time I hopped on the band-wagon*

Although, I might be slow on the uptake...
I have recently discovered a new show,
called,  The Americans.

If you like suspense, spies, and history,
you will love this one.

So glad I happened across this one!

So will you be watching?

I know I'm definitely hooked on both.

P.S. Only one more day until the weekend!!!!


Wednesday, 13 March 2013

A sprinkling...

It's Wednesday! Waaaahoooo!

{Images courtesy of quite a few wonderful blogs}