Good golly, the cuteness of you! Even now, those beautiful cheeks reveal your youth and your spirit, and I'm left forever grumbling when people think that I'm the elder sister. :)
But deep down, I don't mind. Because I think that you're radiant too.
Last summer, when we were having the best summer of our lives {which was preceeded by a fairly miserable winter and spring} I had written down some thoughts concerning you.
"I'm happy, so happy and content. The most I've been in a long time.
And sometimes it astonishes me; when I think back on winter's wearying months and instantly I can recall the heaviness in my soul that at one time overwhelmed.
Now, in the same thought I can see and feel the restoration and healing that has occurred and I am surprised by the peace that floods my soul.
Despite my distance from God this last while, I know he has been near.
It is through Christina's care and affection that I have felt, almost constantly, the beams of God's love. When I have hesitated or floundered, she has provided hope and reassurance, merriment and distraction, ice cream and films, sushi and sauvignon blanc.
And together we push forward, though mostly if feels like a creep, into a new time and place, into new experiences, all the while knowing ourselves deeper and with greater certainty, and perhaps with greater love."
You've been like a mamma to me, loving me up and down and all around.
And I don't know how I got so lucky.
All that to say, I love you. With the kind of love that fills up oceans and galaxies and universes and infinities.
You will always be my wild-grinned girl.
Happy 29th Birthday Christina!
Love, your Rachel