one that they wistfully dream of when working the 9-5 grind.
Mine has always been, and probably will always be,
to be a cowgirl.

Mine has always been, and probably will always be,
to be a cowgirl.

As a little girl growing up, I always thought it would be the most loveliest thing to own a ranch.
I pictured having cattle and sheep, and wrangling and trail-riding to my heart's content.
My nights would be spent out under the stars, with only a campfire's glow to keep me company.
Definitely my idea of bliss.
Watching shows like McLeod's Daughters only encouraged my notions.
{If you have no idea what I'm referring to then be forewarned you will become addicted}
It's an Australian drama that follows the trials and triumphs of sisters Tess and Claire,
as they try to make a go of it with the family farm they've inherited.
Que, Aussie accents, HOT cowboys, adventures of all sorts, and female gumption.
I pictured having cattle and sheep, and wrangling and trail-riding to my heart's content.
My nights would be spent out under the stars, with only a campfire's glow to keep me company.
Definitely my idea of bliss.
Watching shows like McLeod's Daughters only encouraged my notions.
{If you have no idea what I'm referring to then be forewarned you will become addicted}
It's an Australian drama that follows the trials and triumphs of sisters Tess and Claire,
as they try to make a go of it with the family farm they've inherited.
Que, Aussie accents, HOT cowboys, adventures of all sorts, and female gumption.
Don't you think Rachel and I would make a cute Tess and Claire?
Since I won't be inheriting a Ranch anytime soon, I thought I'd see what options are out there and available to dreamers like me.
Enter, Echo Valley Ranch and Spa.
It's a tad more luxe than I had imagined, but who's complaining?
They even have a Girls Getaway Package!
Maybe I can be a cowgirl after-all!
Join me?
Happy Friday Lovlies!!!
Hope you have a relaxing and low-key weekend.
{All images of Echo Valley Ranch and Spa found here}
O.m.g. I could sooooooooooo go for a weekend getaway at that ranch!!
ReplyDeleteA couple other good {and slightly more rustic} ranches are Spring Lake Ranch {} or The Hills Health Ranch {} both in the 100-108 Mile area. I've been to both and they are a complete delight!
Oh, how I love ponies :)