Wednesday, 3 April 2013

A breath of fresh air

When one stumbles upon words that nourish the soul,
and shed light on truth,
one must pass it on...

Last November, I was sitting at home watching BrenĂ© Brown's TED Talks
contentedly unaware as to what I would hear or how I would be challenged.

I knew of her...

{After all, her TED Talks gained an audience of over 6 million views}

I just didn't know that her words would settle on me with such poignancy.

"The original definition of courage, when it first came into the English language -- it's from
the Latin word cor, meaning heart -- and the original definition was to tell the story of who you
are with your whole heart."

Isn't that beautiful?

*and just a little bit scary*

What would our world look like, if we all had that kind of courage?

It's something I've been dwelling on since.

Turns out,
it's a choice to be authentic in each moment of every day.
And if we we dare to be flawed, transparent, and raw,
we can connect in a way that goes beyond the facades we've built that divide us.

As I'm learning,
It's easier said than done.

Vulnerability sounds like truth and feels like courage. Truth and courage aren’t always comfortable, but they’re never weakness. 

Brené Brown

Vulnerability, courage, shame, and worthiness, are all topics she's delved deep into.
Revealing what we all feel, yet rarely give voice to.

If you haven't had the chance to listen to her TED Talks, I urge you to.
You most definitely will not be disappointed.

Happy hump day!!!


(Quotes found here and here}

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